What was once know at 'radical hospitality' is now just having friends over for dinner. We have lowered the bar. What happened? When did we forget that practicing hospitality, as strongly suggested by Paul in his letter to the Romans, is not only referring to the pot luck dinner at church or a community-kitchen style gathering but primarily to opening our hearts, our homes, our families to others on a regular basis. We got comfortable with the idea of group or community events as evidence of our outreach but have become increasingly less comfortable with the idea of inviting the stranger or even the good friend into our homes.
Let's make the home great again! Populate our homes with people rather than televisions and furnishings. Open the doors. Turn on the oven. Chill the wine.St the table.
“Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.”