My low maintenance faith has become slowly more complex as I unravel intricate pieces neatly stashed away at the beginning. Like looking through a jewellery box of single earrings, fragile gold watch bands, inherited shiny things, brooches never worn, hair clips and such, so is my search for keepers now alive and ongoing. The ‘keep it simple stupid’ and ‘fake it to you make it’ are long placed on the trash heap. The imagined trust and obey bonfire lights up the place. I blow off the soot and dust and sit alone trying to figure out how to use the new pieces in the old mechanism. Old wine skins. New wine skins. Baby and bath water. What a mess.
I don’t know the answers to everything but I do believe this time is one of invitation to be curious and leave the cabin. Using God as the wind He wanted to be, driving me and upturning me towards a restored innocence - second naïveté - and then ,me, taking my place with the throng staring upwards with squinting eyes seeking not as powerful and chosen but as children. A fist - a cloud in an otherwise blue sky.