
It doesn't seem long ago that we were arguing and sorting out global policies on face coverings. Could a security guard have her face covered? What happens with someone in full hijab goes through customs at the airport?

What a difference a pandemic makes – now we are all using face covering. Now we are insisting on it and not just tolerating it.

I wonder what our Muslim sisters think now –  Vindicated? Accepted?

The discrepancies are particularly true in the European Union where laws informally known at 'burqa bans' that essentially forbid any face covering that hides identity – on the basis of public safety – are now questionable. In 2020, a person in some European countries could be banned for not wearing a face covering and equally at risk of penalty if they do wear the full burka—both in the name of public safety.

No wonder the bible turns us towards the heart as the eye to the soul. Our image-makers and breakers must be careful about what we allow and disallow. It just demonstrates the complexity of life.

Heaven help us!