Passing by this store window in my neighbourhood today reminded me of another mary memorabilia…..
It was a statue, a gift from my quirky Godmother on the occasion of my first baptism. She stood about as high as a school ruler and fairly shone, so perfect was the porcelain.
Like the original Virgin, she had a hard life. She lived in the back of my linen cupboard for at least 30 years. Incarcerated through no fault of her own. A product of religious discrimination. Mine.
Periodically, I would catch a glimpse of her when we hosted houseguests and all the sheets and towels were in use. Mary lay recumbent against the blue and white chequered liner fittingly matching that flowing white gown with the blue veil.
Our eyes would meet.
"Sorry, I know you don't deserve to be here. You are just part of the collateral damage of a faith switch. My new Evangelical friends wouldn't understand. And I've got my kids to consider. They'd be confused. You, a worthless idol? Right?
Deep down, I knew Mary didn't deserve this life in the dark.
But how could I release her from this prison of linen?
Advent would prove to be the perfect time for the heist.
My niece, Grace, invited me to her Confirmation – her Roman Catholic confirmation. Mary came out.
I freed her that day. She went to a good home. A family that would place her in a glass display cabinet where she could show off that sheen and that beautiful smile.
It wasn't easy letting go; despite everything. She's free now. I'm so sorry.
May this be a season of letting go of things in the dark—even a season of rediscovery and re-gifting.