Two Pairs of Flipflops


I am wearing one pair of flipflops and carrying another in my hands. Eventually, I will branch out fully into the new. I will throw those old flipflops to the wind!

I remember working in an office that was changing over from a Microsoft system to Apple.  We didn’t trust ourselves with the new system. We feared a potential loss of our historical data. We decided to continue to employ the old system as a back up for the new.  Understandable. Even wise.  But over the long term it became unhealthy.  We had paid over $25,000 for the new technology and here we were with more work—double handling.  There is a time to just work with the new.

 My flipflops have the same basic function — just different colours. Like the biblical illustration that talks about a patch being ill-fitted to a garment. There is a now a new garment – a new wine. A new worship.  A new freedom. 

I have no doubt that it is not the last of change.  In fact, the 2020 flipflops will become my old familiar flipflops for this season and then will come something new.

 What do you do now with that nudge or alarm that is calling for change? Your life work. Your mission.  Freshen it up?