I helped a friend move last weekend. She was moving from her cute little basement suite to a 2-bedroom in the same neighbourhood. We were slightly on the naughty side of the Provincial COVID recommendations for only meeting up within our bubble. But what can you do.
We were a group of six adults. Friends. Some helped with the big pieces of furniture and the driving, and some tackled the difficult job of accounting for the remnants. The dustbuster, the tasselled wallhanging, the plates and cups left on the dishrack. The dishrack. These were thrown together in a big black garbage bag. Soon it was done. I stayed back with one of the women to clean. We regretted not bringing a speaker to listen to music. But we were both enjoying the cleaning vibe.
'Have a look at the fridge' says H displaying her work. It looked great.
I can't quite get the stains off the bath. It's an old tub badly in need of a reno.
We walked to the new place with our broom and wastebasket and bits and pieces, stopping at a liquor store en route to buy champers and beer.
We sat around afterwards drinking out of strange mugs that we found on the top of a packing box. Someone had brought home-made banana bread, which tasted great paired with the Portuguese bubbly.
It was a very ordinary move — friends helping a mate on the weekend. Drinks to celebrate when the work is done. But it was so NOT ordinary. It was the best day I had in months.
I felt so blessed to be a part of this scene. We sat apart from each other in the front room and admired the new home. It is a beautiful space in a good location. She will be happy there. This time was a real treat. I didn't want it to end.
I overstayed. My friend was probably itching to start unpacking or at least make up her bed for her first night in a new home. We stood on the back porch and knew that this would become her favourite place. We imagined adding planter boxes and pot plants making it feel very relaxing. There was a spot for a small veggie patch.
I didn't look at my phone all day. None of us did. We were screenless for at least 5 hours. And it felt good.
I suddenly realized what I had been missing for the past 12 months. Not travel. Not concerts. Not restaurants. Just this. Friends.
I couldn't sleep that night. Most likely a mix of heightened emotions and the beer.