It is rare for me to remember exactly where I was when I first met a friend – especially a brief conversation serving as our introduction nearly 30 years ago. I have relocated often enough for the memory of specific places and events to become somewhat hazy. Ah, but friendships and those born out of generosity and delight are to be treasured and commemorated. Such is this friendship.
I remember laying eyes on baby Sophie in her pram at the back of a church auditorium after the Sunday service on a February morning in 1992. I introduced myself to her mother, Nerida, as I admired the little miss with her angelic face framed by a beautiful hand-made bonnet. That was the beginning of a life-long friendship with the Cottrell clan. A few weeks later, Nerida approached me bearing a gift – a replica bonnet for my awaited child. I was seven months pregnant with my 3rd. The bonnet was crafted by Kath Pitman, Nerida’s mum and Sophie’s grandmother.
Tomorrow – 29 years later – that dear little babe is to be dressed up and walked down the aisle to marry the love of her life. She has inherited the grace and countenance of her mother.
Sophie, your family, has passed on more than bonnets. It is an extravagant love that is the currency of the Cottrells. Wesley is fortunate and astute enough to have discovered a rare treasure in you. We wish you all the happiness in the world.
And I make a promise of a ‘bonnet passing’ of my own on the event of the birth of your first child —possibly not hand-made like Nina’s, but it will serve to honour the long tradition of love gifts and friendship continued throughout the generations.
Congratulations, Sophie and Wes.